
Our best lives are possible when our deepest needs are met. As a team we’ve committed our lives to helping you gain access to the information and relationships needed to get those needs met in healthy and sustainable ways.

Please take your time to explore the resources below, and let us know if we can answer any questions you have. We look forward to talking with you.

Resource Archive
Liz Martin Liz Martin

Hoarding Disorder

Are you feeling overwhelmed by your possessions? Do you feel like your possessions are running your life? Is it difficult or overwhelming to sort or discard your possessions?

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Liz Martin Liz Martin


WHAT IS IT? While teasing and kidding are a normal part of growing up, bullying involves a person or group who repeatedly try to harm someone who is perceived as weak or vulnerable.

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Liz Martin Liz Martin

Holidays & Grief

The Holidays are often a time of family traditions, memories of good times, and expectations of more. For those of us who have experienced a significant loss, this time of year may be dreaded.

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Liz Martin Liz Martin

Coping with the Pain

Pain hurts. Physical pain hurts. Emotional pain hurts. Mental pain hurts. Spiritual pain hurts. Pain is awful, horrible, unwanted. We don’t like it. And, when it is present, it is difficult to notice anything else.

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Liz Martin Liz Martin

The Stepfamily Journey

A stepfamily is defined as a household in which there is an adult couple, at least one of whom has a child from a previous relationship.

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Liz Martin Liz Martin

Attention Deficit Disorder/ADHD

WHAT IS IT? Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a commonly diagnosed behavioral disorder that has, at its core, developmentally inappropriate levels of attention, concentration, activity, distractibility, and impulsivity.

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Liz Martin Liz Martin

The "Strength" of Our Secrets

Our secrets can have a powerful hold on us. While these secrets become our responsibility, they often have a devastating impact on those near us.

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Let’s Uncover Hope Together